
Friday, June 4, 2010

East Coast Crafters Unite Night - VA. ETSY CRAFT PARTY

Let's celebrate with an Etsy Craft Party!!  A global initiative to energize your local community, make art together, and throw a party in your neck of the woods. We want to celebrate crafting together on June 18, 2010 (which just happens to be Etsy's birthday).
Our friends at, have just launched a new platform called Meetups Everywhere. It's a powerfully simple way for the crafty community to, well, organize meetups everywhere!

Etsy and the Craft Party sponsors (more to be announced soon!) will provide every event organizer with a free downloadable Craft Party Kit containing crafty project instructions and templates, along with tips and ideas for hosting your own party. There might even be a few fun coupons and surprises — who knows?!
But wait, there's more!

Etsy and the party sponsors will send a giant box of Etsy promos, coupons and gift certificates, supplies, and surprises from our amazing sponsors to the top 50 locations with the most RSVPs using Meetup Everywhere. RSVP to join us by June 7 so we can be one of the 50 that win the giant box!!

Bringing friends and neighbors together for the sake of meeting one another, fostering creativity, sounds like fun to me!! Lets do it!! Lets rock this thing!!!
In crafty love, Michelle from GymboHannah

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